
Process Safety Solutions


It’s not uncommon to discover a disconnect between process safety performance and day to day operations. Our suite of real-time process safety solutions help you overcome organisational and operational barriers to enhance collaboration. Keeping pace with operational demands to enable operators to maintain the ability to always effectively react to potential hazards.

By effectively monitoring the performance of the process safety system in real time, you can ensure you are operating with the required safety integrity at all times. Plus, our process safety approach guarantees exceptional levels of security – every step along the way.


AAdvance Documents with links

AADvance Controller Safety Manual 
This technical manual defines how to safely apply AADvance controllers for a Safety Instrumented Function. It sets out standards (which are mandatory) and makes recommendations to make sure that installations satisfy and maintain their required safety integrity level.

AADvance Controller Solutions Handbook 
This technical manual defines how to safely apply AADvance controllers for a Safety Instrumented Function. It sets out standards (which are mandatory) and makes recommendations to make sure that installations satisfy and maintain their required safety integrity level.

AADvance Controller System Build Manual 
This technical manual describes how to assemble a system, switch on and validate the operation of your system.

AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation Software Installation Guide
This installation guide describes AADvance®-Trusted® SIS Workstation software, the detailed installation steps, and how to obtain an authorized license. Contents of this installation guide are in the order of use during installation.

AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation Software User Guide
This publication provides how-to instructions for AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation software configuration and use.

AADvance Controller Configuration Guide Workbench 1.x 
This software technical manual defines how to configure an AADvance controller using the AADvance Workbench software version 1.x to satisfy your system operation and application requirements.

AADvance Controller Configuration Guide Workbench 2.x
This software technical manual defines how to configure an AADvance controller using the AADvance Workbench software version 2.x to satisfy your system operation and application requirements. 

Controller OPC Portal Server User Manual
This manual describes how to install, configure, and use the OPC Server for an AADvance Controller.

AADvance Controller PFH and PFDavg Data
This document contains the PFH and PFDavg Data for the AADvance Controller. It includes examples on how to calculate the final figures for different controller configurations.

AADvance Controller Troubleshooting and Maintenance Manual
This technical manual describes how to maintain, troubleshoot, and repair an AADvance Controller.

Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 
Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system.

Product Certifications website
Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.

TUV Certificate​

AAdvance Powerpoint Presentation

Product resources

Marketing collateral

AAdvance Safety System Brochure


AAdvance Training Brochure X


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