
Digital Advisory Service

Implement with confidence.

The path of least resistance for oil and gas businesses the journey to a connected and efficient digitalized infrastructure is complicated. Taking stock of legacy systems, maximizing data value, and optimizing processes requires a solutions-based approach. Our unique Dynamic Operational Digitalization Modelling (DODM) removes the risk of buying inappropriate or disparate products that lead to inefficiencies. 

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Intellectual assessment for Intelligent Action 

Our DODM model is a robust blueprint for your digitization and automation needs – wherever you are on the journey.


We’ll review your current operating model, engage with stakeholders and incorporate them from day one.


By deep-diving into your operational nuances, we’ll identify gaps and opportunities based on your current digital set-up and your current KPIs.


We use a Digitalization Index (DI) to quantify your current digital state – we’ll lay out the steps required to improve your DI based on your needs.


Based on factual evidence, we’ll work with you to decide what is most critical to your operation for maximum impact and minimum investment.


We’ll scope out a project plan so you can see how your digital transformation will take shape.


We’re technology agnostic – we only recommend solutions based on what is best for you. Our field-based experience means you don’t get a digitalization provider – you get a partner.

Impact – vs – spend

Any investment you make needs to work for you. At every stage of the process, we connect your KPI and KPOs with associated investment. Once we establish your baseline state, we’ll continuously measure progress as we move to and through your objectives.

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One toolkit - endless possibilities

KPI and KPOs linked to workflows

Established Digitalization Index

Gap analysis

Quantified business impact

Workflow prioritization and ranking

Digital journey model planning


Solution Identification


Continual review and support


For more information please contact us

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