
Measurement Surveillance

Make smarter decisions with measurement data at your fingertips

Measurement Surveillance is a metering Management Information System (MIS) – a solution that provides a complete strategic overview of the status and performance of a company’s metering assets. Our solution represents metering data in clear graphical form to quickly and easily illustrate information for key stakeholders such as but not limited to metering technicians, metering engineers and managers, empowering your team to make appropriate and informed operational decisions. 

Swinton Technology’s (link to ST Website) Measurement Surveillance is built around our proven TRUST core engine to deliver a platform which truly digitalizes a measurement network in a highly scalable fashion. 

Minimize uncertainty, improve reliability and reduce exposure

Measurement Surveillance optimizes your operations whilst reducing financial exposure by minimizing the time between detection and correction whilst providing an encrypted audit trail. Through seamless integration, asset monitoring, verification and reporting, Measurement Surveillance delivers automation and digitalization of your measurement assets, at scale. 

Talk to our experts to discover how our Measurement Surveillance software makes managing metering assets simpler by providing you with crucial information that enables informed decisions to be made swiftly and methodically. This saves you from costly maintenance checks and possible downtime.

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Make smarter decisions with measurement data at your fingertips

At Sensia, we’re making the advantages of industrial scale digitalization and seamless automation available to every energy company, delivering a step-change in asset performance and productivity.

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